Influence of emotions on the entrepreneurial skills of the owners of tourist services in the city of Puyo


  • Luis Oswaldo Manosalvas Vaca Universidad Estatal Amazónica
  • Génesis Andrea Chávez Brito Universidad Estatal Amazónica
  • Daniela Yojaira Guevara Rueda Universidad Estatal Amazónica
  • Carlos Anibal Manosalvas Vaca Universidad Estatal Amazónica



Entrepreneurship is a determining variable in the social, economic and human development of countries and regions, according to the results reported in scientific research on entrepreneurship, there are several factors that generate influence on entrepreneurial behavior, among the characteristics that have generated most interest in the scientific business field are the personal cognitive and emotional aspects that guide business behavior, therefore, this research analyzes the relationship of emotions in entrepreneurial skills in the owners of the different tourist services of the Puyo city, considering , Puyo is located in a strategic place in the Ecuadorian Amazon and that it allows the business development of its region, especially in the tourism sector. For the development of this study we used a quantitative, descriptive research methodology with a transversal, descriptive, inferential and multivariate statistical techniques were applied by means of a confirmatory factorial analysis and a relation of MES structural equations. The results showed that the Emotional Intelligence and the dimensions that measure the emotions have a significant influence with the Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, a variable that measures the entrepreneurial skills, therefore, it is evident that the beliefs in the entrepreneurial skills of the entrepreneurs in the tourism sector relate directly and significantly to the management of the emotions they possess. These results allow to contribute in the personal development of the entrepreneurs of Puyo and in the same way, it will allow to favor the emotional well-being and labor performance of the actors involved in the tourism ventures.


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  • Abstract 187
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How to Cite

Manosalvas Vaca, L. O., Chávez Brito, G. A., Guevara Rueda, D. Y., & Manosalvas Vaca, C. A. (2018). Influence of emotions on the entrepreneurial skills of the owners of tourist services in the city of Puyo. Killkana Social, 2(3), 87–94.



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