Role of the feminine gender in the labor field: a figure compared with the women's leading performance of Latin America


  • Sonia Maria Quezada Calle Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Froilán Méndez-Vélez Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Diana Gonzalez-Maldonado Universidad Católica de Cuenca



The space won by women in different work environments is the product of a recurring successful performance; However, nowadays, there are still multiple preconceived barriers that limit the professional aspirations of women. In this context, the reality indicates that there is a small group of women leaders worldwide who, faced with the unfavorable use, were placed in managerial positions not only corporately but in governing functions. In this case, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), revealed that only one woman participates in every ten positions on boards of directors, likewise the data to 2009 revealed within the companies that were listed on the stock exchange. values in the OECD countries, that the participation of women in managerial positions is poor, being their representation one in ten management positions. So, the objective of this article is to demonstrate the existence of different factors related to the experience and professional improvement of the female gender; To do this, some questions that will be fundamental to identify are broken down, through a descriptive and mixed analysis taking into account characteristics such as: the working environment, the demographic indexes, among the main ones.


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How to Cite

Quezada Calle, S. M., Méndez-Vélez, F., & Gonzalez-Maldonado, D. (2018). Role of the feminine gender in the labor field: a figure compared with the women’s leading performance of Latin America. Killkana Social, 2(4), 111–120.



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