Teacher-inclusive practices


  • Wilson García Guevara Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
  • Oscar Belesaca Unidad Educativa Juan Bautista Stielhe, Cuenca.
  • Gabriela Jara Saldaña Universidad Católica de Cuenca.




This study aims to determine the level of implementation of inclusive practices by teachers and students in the Educational Unit Stielhe Juan Bautista city of Cuenca in the 2015-2016 school year. Inclusive practices, reflect the culture and inclusive policies, have to do with ensuring that classroom and after-school learning activities promote the intervention of all the students and that they consider the knowledge and experience acquired by them outside the institution educational Teaching and support are integrated to orchestrate learning and overcome barriers to learning and participation. Staff mobilizes resources from institutions and the community to maintain active learning for all For the development of this research it was based on the quality-quantitative method of descriptive and exploratory, with a population of nineteen hundred and eighteen teachers and students of higher levels of basic and high school students of the institution; for the collection of information, Including the Index of UNESCO, adaptation of Rosa Blanco, consisting of twenty indicators of inclusion was applied abstracting information allowing teachers and students; the information is processed statistically using the Microsoft Excel program, the results are analyzed and concluded that teachers have a predisposition in favor of including meeting their curricular obligations practices, make greater use of organizational strategies and management effective classroom in the learning process, while students have good perception and predispose educational inclusion, the authorities provide facilities to meet the inclusive process complying with the laws and regulations of the country.


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Author Biography

Wilson García Guevara, Universidad Católica de Cuenca.

Psicólogo educativo, docente de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Coordinador del Proyecto de vinculación con la sociedad UDIPSAI.


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  • Abstract 556
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How to Cite

García Guevara, W., Belesaca, O., & Jara Saldaña, G. (2018). Teacher-inclusive practices. Killkana Social, 2(2), 25–30. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v2i2.303



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