Attitudes of teachers towards the school inclusion of children with autism


  • Rosa Maria Zambrano-Garcés Universidad Católica de Cuenca, extensión San Pablo de La Troncal
  • Maria Daniela Orellana-Zambrano Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador



The present study of qualitative approach with descriptive scope analyzes the attitudes of teachers towards the school inclusion of children with autism at Unidad Educativa Particular at   La Troncal, Cañar Province, Ecuador. It delves into the theoretical conceptions of school inclusion and the differences in teachers' attitudes towards children with autism that are influenced by the teaching experience, the characteristics of children with autism, the time that teachers have in their classroom with a child with autism, support resources and teacher training. The attitude of the teacher is transcendental during the process of school inclusion; therefore, the analysis of their perceptions, attitudes and expectations are relevant for the successful development of inclusive education for children with autism. This study is a beginning to promote an inclusive culture, policies and practices that provide teachers with specific resources and supports to assist children with autism in an efficient manner.


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Author Biography

Rosa Maria Zambrano-Garcés, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, extensión San Pablo de La Troncal

Psicólogo Clínico. Magíster Psicoanálisis Mención Educación


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How to Cite

Zambrano-Garcés, R. M., & Orellana-Zambrano, M. D. (2018). Attitudes of teachers towards the school inclusion of children with autism. Killkana Social, 2(4), 39–48.



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