Social Work in the educational area - Section Scholarships Future perspectives regarding student welfare academic


  • Elizabeth Teresa Flores Lazo Universidad Catòlica de Cuenca
  • Juan Andrés Carpio Arévalo Catholic University of Cuenca
  • Jenny Irlanda Tapia Segarra Catholic University of Cuenca



Vulnerability studies and researches that seek to solve the problems of the most needy groups undoubtedly represent a challenge that every day is what to do of the profession of Social Work. The granting of scholarships by the Catholic University of Cuenca is the reflection of its principles primarily service to the people. The main objective of the present research was "To provide technical and specialized attention to prospective students within the Scholarship Department of the Catholic University of Cuenca, through the creation of a SESE - Social and Economic Stratification System, in order to provide priority attention to the groups that the law indicates; and, reduce the margin of error present in previous processes ". We worked with the universe of the applicant population comprised of 11,545 applicants, who through a survey (file), filled through the ERP System, provide confidential information, were also considered the observations made at the time of personal interviews. With the application of the SESE, the concordance of the weights (scores) that the system grants to the applicants was evidenced; versus, preselection analyzes performed manually with the help of the Excel program and staff through interviews and home visits previously used. It is concluded by assuming the viability and effectiveness of the SESE, since the system has also managed to distinguish between the students most in need and in conditions of vulnerability, double degree of vulnerability or higher, according to their different indicators.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth Teresa Flores Lazo, Universidad Catòlica de Cuenca

Lcda. en Trabajo y Servicio Social, Magister en Trabajo Social Familiar, Docente en la Universidad Catòlica de  Cuenca en la Carrera de Sicologìa Clìnica, Trabajadora Social en el Centro de Apoyo a la Mujer y la Familia "Las Marìas" de la ciudad de Cuenca. Trabajo en proyectos de Vinculaciòn con la Sociedad.


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  • Abstract 232
  • pdf (Español (España)) 130
  • epub (Español (España)) 39
  • Audio Español (Español (España)) 44

How to Cite

Flores Lazo, E. T., Carpio Arévalo, J. A., & Tapia Segarra, J. I. (2018). Social Work in the educational area - Section Scholarships Future perspectives regarding student welfare academic. Killkana Social, 2(4), 77–86.



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