Physical activity and academic performance in university students


  • Carlos Marcelo Avila Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Helder Guillermo Aldas Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Santiago Alejandro Jarrín Universidad Católica de Cuenca



The professors of the chairs of the educational institutions of basic, superior and baccalaureate education, even more in Higher Education, have sometimes considered that the physical culture, physical education, and physical activity, do not represent a substantial contribution in the integral formation of the student in the levels of concretion of knowledge. There is no evidence of the protocols proposed to address or understand the relevance or importance that physical activity can have on the academic performance of university students. The fundamental objective of this research is to determine the relationship between physical activity, psychomotor actions that produce caloric expenditure through play, recreational and sports actions to improve physical and mental health and academic performance, which is the ability to respond satisfactorily to educational stimuli developed through the teaching - learning process to obtain a level of functioning and academic achievements over a period of time, which constitute a fundamental part for the integral and professional education of the student. The research is of a contemporary type, socially adapted to involve the spheres of knowledge, psychomotor, cognitive, affective and social, being the case that through surveys to students and teachers, it was determined that physical activity significantly influences academic performance of university students.


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  • Abstract 1260
  • pdf (Español (España)) 766
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How to Cite

Avila, C. M., Aldas, H. G., & Jarrín, S. A. (2018). Physical activity and academic performance in university students. Killkana Social, 2(4), 97–102.



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