Perception of Afro-descendants and indigenous people about inclusion and racism on Ecuadorian television


  • Ingrid Viviana Estrella-Tutivén Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador



This research aims to elaborate a communicative proposal that contributes to improving the behavior of national television, regarding the issue of inclusion and social equality. It will try to motivate young people and even entire communities that seek a public space, to defend the rights not respected for centuries and also contribute with the education of afro-ecuadorian and indigenous communities, communities to which this research is directed. This proposal offers the inclusion of these races in television spaces without promoting discrimination or racism and seeks to seek the union of ethnicities and teach the events of the process of inclusion in the nation. Throughout the study of this titling project, the reader will recognize how afro-ecuadorian and indigenous have gradually been included in the country, and how was forged the history of afro and indian communicators, journalists or reporters in other parts of the world.  In order to carry out the present study, we took a non-probabilistic convenience sample composed of 15 indigenous people, who work in markets in the city of Guayaquil; and, 15 people of African descent, who live in Guayaquil, for different reasons. They were surveyed in order to know if they perceive that in Ecuadorian television they discriminate against people of their races. In addition, they were asked if the Organic Law of Communication has contributed to the progressive reduction of this discrimination. Their responses are valuable contributions in the fight against the social marginalization suffered by indigenous people and people of African descent in Ecuador.


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  • Abstract 117
  • PDF (Español (España)) 160

How to Cite

Estrella-Tutivén, I. V. (2020). Perception of Afro-descendants and indigenous people about inclusion and racism on Ecuadorian television. Killkana Social, 4(2), 25–30.



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