


Síndrome de Burnout, estudiantes de odontología, desconexión digital, educación en línea, COVID-19


The objective of the research is to determine the relation between the time of digital disconnection and the presence of Burnout Syndrome (BS) in students of the Dentistry undergraduate course at The Catholic University of Cuenca, in the period from October 2020 to March 2021. Materials and methods: The present field study, observational with a quantitative approach, non-experimental and prospective design, consisted of a population of 1365 students, a simple random sampling was performed and a sample of 301 participants


was determined with 95% confidence and a 5% margin of error. Data collection was carried out using a digital instrument consisting of an informed consent, informative data, and the Burnout Questionnaire from the Maslach inventory. Results: The results determined that 10.42% of the students show burnout syndrome manifestations. The relation between digital disconnection time and BS, according to Pearson's X2 test determined that there is no significant relation between the variables, yielding values (X2=0.682, gl=2, p=0.711), likewise, there is no significant relation between digital connection time and BS, yielding values (X2=3.089, gl=6, p=0.798). The variables that were significantly related according to Pearson's statistical test with BS were: male sex, working students, and regular students. Conclusion: It is concluded that the present generations are not significantly affected by the time spent in front of digital screens due to the new transition to online education, being a generation known as digital natives.



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Author Biography

Rafael García Abad, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Magíster en Educación. Catedrático Universitario.


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