Analysis of the economic impact caused by covid 19 in the private educational units of the Guaranda canton in the period 2020-2021.


  • Marcelo Lara Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Yonaiker Navas-Montes Universidad Estatal de Bolívar



COVID-19, Impactos socioeconómicos, Instituciones educativas, Migración, Procesos digitales de enseñanza y aprendizaje


With the appearance of the pandemic, the educational units belonging to the Guaranda canton began to have drastic changes, being largely responsible for the migration of students, which affected the budgets of each of the institutions. The objective of the research is to identify the main causes that originated the massive educational migrations and their relevance and influence when they are analyzed with the health decisions made by the Ecuadorian State as a result of the pandemic that, in some way, impacted the socioeconomic environment of the canton. . The methodological approach is quantitative, field, non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional. The technique used was the survey through the design of a questionnaire applied to 403 parents of the educational units (UE) investigated. The results denote that the reduction of students in the 2020-2021 school year in the private educational units of the Guaranda canton has been quite considerable compared to 2019-2020, observing a 31% decrease in students in the Santa Mariana de Jesús EU, 7% in the UE García and 30% in the Jesús de Nazareth School of Basic Education. This is produced by the economic affectation that the pandemic has caused in each of the families in the sector. The conclusions allow us to see that the causes of migration are derivatives due to the decrease in family income, business closures and suspension of transportation and the decisions made by the national executive.


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How to Cite

Lara, M., & Navas-Montes, Y. (2022). Analysis of the economic impact caused by covid 19 in the private educational units of the Guaranda canton in the period 2020-2021. Killkana Social, 6(Especial), 123–138.