
  • María Rosa Mas Camacho Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Mery Rocío Rea Guamán Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Anicel Amador Torrecilla Amador Torrecilla
  • Mishell Alexandra Morejón Universidad Estatal de Bolívar



ansiedad en adulto joven, ansiedad en pandemia, salud mental


Adolescents and older adults have been the most vulnerable population groups in the COVID-19 pandemic regarding mental health. The objective of the work that is exposed is to identify anxiety in the young adult population of 18-35 years of the Vinchoa parish, Guaranda city, Bolívar province, Ecuador due to the health situation experienced, which brought the increase in stress manifestations, depression and psychosocial problems presented at the individual, family and social level due to confinement during the pandemic. It constitutes a cross-sectional quantitative study developed from December 2021 to February 2022, the sample consisted of 203 people who met the age requirement in addition to their explicitly declared predisposition to participate; The IDARE test is applied as a measurement instrument for anxiety. The "Encourage your mind for a good morning" program is developed, which consisted of visits to each community, accompanied by the doctor from the health center, where the preferences of activities for each community are identified, these being sports and Predominantly artisan creation, on this basis and the results obtained from the aforementioned test, talks and sports activities were carried out as forms of recreation; The program concludes with an open house at the parish health center where the participants exhibit their craft products resulting from their collective creation. 68.47% of the study sample is identified with a high state of anxiety.


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How to Cite

Mas Camacho, M. R., Rea Guamán , M. R. ., Amador Torrecilla, A. A. T., & Morejón, M. A. . (2022). IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE ANXIETY OF YOUNG PEOPLE. VINCHOA. 2022. Killkana Social, 6(Especial), 101–112.