The new model on educational management and its impact on the education in primary schools in the parish of Cañar, Ecuador


  • Johanna Rosalí Reyes Reinoso Catedrático
  • Marcos Eduardo Cantos Ochoa Universidad Católica de Cuenca, sede Cañar.



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the new educational management model implemented in Ecuador and its impact on basic education schools in the Cañar canton - Ecuador. This model constitutes a paradigm of internal and external organization at institutional level that allows to channel in an effective and timely manner, the guidelines to be applied within the educational field from different areas; a new restructuring is proposed that guarantees and ensures the fulfillment of the right to education, a path that will lead to quality and warmth to strengthen educational services, taking into account local and cultural realities, having an impact on the basic education schools. The research is divided into two types: descriptive, since a questionnaire of 10 questions was applied to 124 teachers belonging to the schools: Carlos Cueva Tamariz, Luís Roberto Chacón, Simón Bolívar, San José de Calasanz, Ezequiel Cárdenas and Santa Rosa de Lima from the city of Cañar, Ecuador. Documentary for the support of research through electronic and bibliographic means. Among some conclusions that can be mentioned, we have that the new model of educational management implemented in Ecuador in 2010, has an important incidence in the basic education schools of the city of Cañar, Cantón Cañar - Ecuador, since its actors in its Most of them know their guidelines and ratify the fulfillment of their objectives, especially in what has to do to strengthen the quality of education, by updating and strengthening the curricula of the General Basic Education and the Baccalaureate and the construction of the curriculum of Initial Education. And among the recommendations, share responsibilities and leadership to comply with the new model of educational management and bring them closer to citizenship, addressing local and cultural realities to adequately assume the assigned roles.


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How to Cite

Reyes Reinoso, J. R., & Cantos Ochoa, M. E. (2018). The new model on educational management and its impact on the education in primary schools in the parish of Cañar, Ecuador. Killkana Social, 2(4), 1–8.



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