Health status of institutionalized older adults in the city of Cuenca


  • Nube Johanna Pacurucu-Ávila Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Edison Gustavo Moyano-Brito Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Katynna Cecilia Parra-Quevedo University of Zulia
  • María Fernanda Peralta-Cárdenas Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Josué Francisco Aguilar-Valenzuela Universidad Católica de Cuenca



Objective: To determine the health status of institutionalized older adults in the Miguel de León nursing home in the City of Cuenca. Materials and Methods: quantitative study of descriptive scope with retrospective temporality, the sample consisted of 44 institutionalized older adults, the information was obtained by reviewing medical records, where sociodemographic data, blood values ​​such as: hemogram, (neutrophils, white blood cells, red blood cells, lymphocytes, monocytes, lipid profile (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, glycemia) as well as nutritional status. The study variables were collected through a data collection sheet constructed by the authors and validated in the opinion of experts. Results: in the socio-demographic data it was determined that, of the total population, 47.7% belong to the age range between 75 and 90 years; in a predominance of the female sex with 54.54 %, regarding socioeconomic level, 34.09% are of low economic resources, and regarding marital status, 56.81% are widowers, regarding status It was found that 9.10%, older adults are at risk of malnutrition, 22.72% presented malnutrition and 68.18% were in normal nutritional state, the lipid profile is observed that 38, 6% are high in what is cholesterol. Conclusions: the health status of the elderly is affected mainly by diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol, of the elderly they are within the normal range with 61.4%, and 38.6% are high.


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Author Biographies

Nube Johanna Pacurucu-Ávila, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

Edison Gustavo Moyano-Brito, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela


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  • Abstract 202
  • PDF (Español (España)) 167

How to Cite

Pacurucu-Ávila, N. J., Moyano-Brito, E. G., Parra-Quevedo, K. C., Peralta-Cárdenas, M. F., & Aguilar-Valenzuela, J. F. (2020). Health status of institutionalized older adults in the city of Cuenca. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 4(4), 75–80.



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