Clinical case: Survival to Covid-19 of a vulnerable patient
BACKGROUND: Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-Cov2 coronavirus, which affects people, detected in December 2019, in Hubei province, China. It is a pandemic that affects many countries around the world and especially the most vulnerable people. CLINICAL CASE: 86-year-old male patient with a history of hypertension, type II diabetes mellitus, grade II obesity, COPD, went to the emergency room due to arthralgia 24 hours before admission, dyspnea on small efforts, hyperthermia, severe hypoxemia, improving saturation with 6 to 8 liters of oxygen. On admission physical examination, poor ventilatory mechanics, with respiratory thoracoabdominal dissociation, PAFI: 104, for which we proceed to rapid intubation and admission to the Intensive Care Unit, taking a sample for rapid Covid test, giving IGG, positive IGM. He remains intubated for 9 days, is discharged to hospitalization, where he is maintained with oxygen support for 12 days, plus pharmacological treatment, receives medical discharge with isolation measures, drugs, oxygen therapy and self-care education. CONCLUSION: it is a case of survival to covid-19 of an elderly, vulnerable patient, who was treated in the intensive care unit, with mechanical ventilation, after hospitalization and then at home, receives education on the management of isolation, protection measures, epidemiological monitoring and self-control of diabetes, hypertension and dietary hygiene measures. The case is followed up and the patient is in better condition.
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