Impact of the university extension on the productive results of a livestock cooperative in Cuba


  • Juana Galindo 1Instituto de Ciencia Animal (ICA), Cuba
  • Verena Torres Instituto de Ciencia Animal (ICA), Cuba
  • Omelio Borroto Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador



From the activity of University Extension of the Institute of Animal Science, belonging to the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) of Cuba and with the collaboration of the Southern State University of Manabí (UNESUM), Ecuador the present paper was developed which had as objective to evaluate the impact of the university extension on the productive results of a livestock unit and the measures for its reconversion. The work was conducted in the basic cooperative production unit (UBPC) Maniabo, in Las Tunas province. Different tools were applied for the integral management of the productive system, which allowed for characterization and typification. The productive information that was generated during the years 1993 to 2014 was used, the correlation matrix was created and the Statistical Model of Impact Measurement in Agricultural Systems in the Tropics (MEMI) was applied. The main components, index of impact that expressed the positive or negative result of the management of the UBPC were determined, as well as the effect of the university extension of the Higher Education Center. The main component of milk-herd-birth production explained 83.96% of the variability of the results, with 4 groups conforming according to the similarity of their characteristics.  Natural pastures were represented in 91.04% of the area, which produced biomass deficit of 3087 t DM. The organizational development and the training program for the social actors allowed reversing the productive situation. It is concluded that the methodology that was used to measure the impact of the productive process by statistical-mathematical methods was adequate and allowed the evaluation of the productive variations that occurred. The results achieved contributed to the decision-making process for the conversion of the cooperative with the use of pastures and forages of greater nutritional value, which allowed the advance towards food self-sufficiency.


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  • Abstract 101
  • PDF (Español (España)) 84

How to Cite

Galindo J, Torres V, Borroto O. Impact of the university extension on the productive results of a livestock cooperative in Cuba. tecnica [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 2 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];4(3):21-6. Available from:



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