A lot for social housing programs
When speaking of a minimum lot for low-income housing, in general, people imagine a small property that will support the construction of a home whose spaces will not provide comfort and convenience to its users. However, in other latitudes, houses have been built on median lots with minimal frontage in consolidated neighborhoods, becoming symbolic and benchmark structures of the city. The value of the lot is representative in the final cost of the house, so it is necessary to study how to reduce prices in the provision of services when urbanizing. It is argued that the successful design of the lot and the whole, decisively influence the achievement of this objective, since, if more surface area is obtained in lots and the lengths of service and road networks are reduced, the value of the plot will decrease. The inability of the state to solve the housing problem allows us to consider the option of returning to the "lot with services" program. This becomes the family assets of the beneficiaries, and allows them to access a loan for the construction of a planned house in stages, with a clear process of controlled expansion, which does not affect the image of the housing complex.
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- Abstract 153
- pdf (Español (España)) 164
- audio español (Español (España)) 54