Geogebra as a tool for improve in the learning of the field: Mathematical Domain of the Exam “Ser Bachiller”


  • Jean Paul Mata-Quevedo Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Andrés Sebastián Quevedo-Sacoto Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador



The present article shows the analysis, the methodology and the results obtained from the group of students of the third year of Unified General Baccalaureate of the Particular Educational Unit "La Providencia" of the city of Azogues having accomplished as objective: to improve the learning of the students in the Mathematical Domain through the use of Geogebra, to meet this objective, the methodology has been taken as an online evaluation that simulates the Ser Bachiller exam, then observe the results referring to the Mathematical Domain and mark the thematic contents in which less scored, and so propose learning mechanisms with the help of Geogebra, and finally after carrying the learning process proceeds to perform a new simulation to show the new results, compare them and obtain conclusions.


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  • Abstract 157
  • pdf (Español (España)) 174
  • audio español (Español (España)) 58

How to Cite

Mata-Quevedo JP, Quevedo-Sacoto AS. Geogebra as a tool for improve in the learning of the field: Mathematical Domain of the Exam “Ser Bachiller”. tecnica [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];4(1):9-14. Available from:



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