Philosophy of technology, from social relevance


  • Luis Bolivar Cabrera-Berrezueta Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador



Sciences as they would define their object of study became independent of philosophy, which served as their mother. Therefore, history, philosophy, theology, psychology, technology, research, among others, now appear from a disciplinary perspective. This work reflects on the Philosophy of technology, from social relevance, which begins with an analysis of the categories of traditional philosophy: ontology, epistemology, teleology and axiology, then it requires relevant facts and events that have been decisive for the establishment of stages in the history of science in general. The historical stages of philosophy, literature and other sciences are the ancient, pre-modern, modern and postmodern. The messages issued within the communication process developed by the human being, constitutes another of the axes to establish stages such as oral, scriptural and electronic, which are particularized in analog and digital, to strengthen the philosophical foundation of each of these stages. The research, despite its chronological journey, from ancient times to these days, responds to a diachronic approach and transcends the transdisciplinary; moreover, when facts or events are required, that appears at one stage, constitutes the relevant of the next, or the opposite, that belonging to this stage, was antecedent of the immediate previous. It concludes with a contribution to scientific theory with the conceptualization of technology with social relevance, since it is, philosophically based on its use for the benefit of society and the individual, as well as being a transcendent axis in contributing to the requirements, context needs and problems. Technology philosophy is the hope to reduce the gaps generated between nations and individuals and technology itself.


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  • Abstract 129
  • pdf (Español (España)) 147
  • AUDIO ESPAÑOL (Español (España)) 25

How to Cite

Cabrera-Berrezueta LB. Philosophy of technology, from social relevance. tecnica [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];3(3). Available from:



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