The perfect combination of the internet of everything and the precision agriculture
The interconnection of computing devices, sensors, people, things and animals, is the internet of things (Iot) and its growth is exponential since every day there are more of these connected to the network. Its influence in the society is such that it has generated great changes in all the areas like: medicine, education, economy, industry, security, services of all type and in agriculture; the latter has been transformed with the use of intelligent agricultural machines, intelligent pest control, drones to monitor crops and livestock, use of stations that capture agro-chemical variables that have made possible the collection and use of large amounts of critical data with minimum costs, which has achieved an agricultural process more information-oriented and potentially more productive and efficient. This research aims to make a bibliographic review of how the internet of things is closely linked to precision agriculture, for this a documentary research was applied investigating diverse sources such as indexed magazines, books, official and government pages. As a result, it was determined that there is a marriage that is currently inherent between the internet at all and precision agriculture and provides the basis to devise sustainable projects based on Iot for the development of the Province of Los Ríos, which is agricultural par excellence.
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- Abstract 224
- PDF (Español (España)) 378
- AUDIO ESPAÑOL (Español (España)) 26