Impact of ICT in teaching - learning of experimental sciences in the baccalaureate


  • Dario Calderón-Suárez Unidad Educativa Ventanas, Ecuador
  • Richard Torres-Vargas Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Manuel Segobia-Ocaña Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador



The research work contributed to the improvement of teaching methods and techniques, the learning of experimental sciences, the basis for the use of ICT and the mechanisms of acquisition of meaningful learning and thus strengthen the didactic processes used by teachers of Baccalaureate. The importance lies mainly in the development of students' experimental and technological abilities and skills for the effective linkage of tools of this type in the acquisition of knowledge. Methods such as bibliography were used; which allow it to be known that the subject to which the results obtained to depart from this have been said, establish our starting point; In addition, methods such as inductive and deductive methods were used; as well as the experimental and hermeneutic methods that, in a special way, allowed us to carry out fieldwork to establish the conclusions and thus measure the impact that ICTs have in this broad field of education. Among the results obtained, it is evident that 77% of the cases in which technical tools were used in their experimental processes with their students, who achieved the most dynamic training in relation to the classes given to the teachers that were not used; Regarding learning, it was evident that 95% of students generated significant learning from constructivism. This research allows the use of ICT in educational processes to be incorporated with greater commitment.


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  • Abstract 275
  • pdf (Español (España)) 384
  • AUDIO ESPAÑOL (Español (España)) 29

How to Cite

Calderón-Suárez D, Torres-Vargas R, Segobia-Ocaña M. Impact of ICT in teaching - learning of experimental sciences in the baccalaureate. tecnica [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 4];3(2):17-22. Available from:



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