Learning the differential and integral calculus with GeoGebra


  • Nilo Teodorico Colquepisco-Paucar Universidad Nacional de Cañete, Perú




In this article, an explanation is presented in the improvement of the learning of derivatives and integrals making use of this computer program, GeoGebra, in university students, in order to be implemented in higher education in the area of ​​mathematics in the school of systems engineer. Since one of the problems that we face in local and national situation is the insufficient benefit in higher mathematics in students. This problematic the probable causality is the restriction of the use of didactic resources, the exorbitant use of the blackboard, limited bibliographic resources to capacity, a traditional methodology where the students are a passive entity and receptive of the themes, the non insertion of the novelties Technological changes in the classroom are one of the possible reasons that would produce the diminutive performance of mathematics in students. That is why the GeoGebra program is important, which facilitates learning, thus solving more exercises and with great motivation they learn the differential and integral calculus. This work has application in derivative and integral subjects, the same ones that are improved year after year and evidence the transcendence of such application. The study was framed within the quantitative approach, deductive hypothetical method, applied type, experimental-quasi-experimental design, evaluation technique, and the sample selected to carry out this research was made up of 60 students in each group of the second cycle of the Systems engineer. The GeoGebra software improves the learning of differential and integral calculus.


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  • Abstract 462
  • pdf (Español (España)) 760
  • AUDIO ESPAÑOL (Español (España)) 22

How to Cite

Colquepisco-Paucar NT. Learning the differential and integral calculus with GeoGebra. tecnica [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 4];3(2):11-6. Available from: https://killkana.ucacue.edu.ec/index.php/killkana_tecnico/article/view/484



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