Techniques of soil management and conservation in coffee scenarios in areas susceptible to erosion


  • Richard Palma-Ponce Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Jesús De los Santos Pinargote-Choez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Lucy Maritza García-Lucas Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador



The Jipijapa canton is crossed by a mountainous system that is part of the Ecuadorian coastal mountain range. For this reason, it has irregular topography with very steep slopes. Consequently, the predominant agroforestry systems in the area (coffee-trees) grow in regions at risk of erosion and landslides. This project was aimed to identify both, the soil features and the actions that contribute to the improvement of soil management as well as to its conservation conditions in 17 coffee plantations located in different areas of this parish, which are at risk of erosion. Soil features were determined through the construction of 1.2 cubic meter trial pits. The main physical characteristics on each horizon were defined and complemented with the results of laboratory chemical analysis results corresponding to another research project that was carried out by UNESUM. Individual terraces were built in the coffee plantations as a strategy for soil conservation. Modified bocashi type compost and microbiological broth were made as management alternatives aimed to recover soil fertility in the 17 farms linked to the project. 41.2% of the soils were found to be deep (>100cm deep); 35.3% moderately deep soils (>60<100cm deep) and 23.5% shallow and very shallow soils. Regarding soils texture, it was determined that 76.5% have a frank tendency, with a slight predominance of clay loams, with 29.4%, which are considered suitable for agriculture.


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  • Abstract 222
  • pdf (Español (España)) 199
  • AUDIO ESPAÑOL (Español (España)) 26

How to Cite

Palma-Ponce R, Pinargote-Choez JD los S, García-Lucas LM. Techniques of soil management and conservation in coffee scenarios in areas susceptible to erosion. tecnica [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];3(1):13-8. Available from:



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