Impact of the use of web applications on the MiPymes of the city of Azogues

Impact of the use of web applications in MiPymes in the Azogues's city


  • Cristian Cáceres Oretga 0302021621
  • Ernesto Abad Aguilar Instituto Superior Tecnológico del Austro, Azogues, Ecuador



Web applications, MSMEs, Technological impact, Economic development, Business efficiency, Commercial automation.


This research project aims to analyze the potential impact of web applications on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the city of Azogues. The goal is to determine if the adoption of web-based technological tools can enhance the efficiency and productivity of these businesses, as well as their ability to compete in the local market. Through an experimental research approach with a quantitative focus and the application of surveys to MSMEs and their customers, the benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of web applications for business activities automation will be explored. This will determine if the adoption of web-based technological tools can improve the efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of the studied businesses in the local market, through experimental research with a quantitative focus and the application of surveys to MSMEs and their customers. After conducting quota sampling of nearly 2,000 companies filtered from the SRI Catastros list of the Cañar province, a comprehensive survey was conducted covering 164 participants considering the urban area of Azogues, representative of an estimated population of 1,016 active SMEs. It is evident that 59.4% of them are traditional businesses, and there is a significant lack of knowledge and access to technological tools, highlighting the urgency of implementing solutions to enhance their development and competitiveness in the market as none currently use business management systems, preferring traditional methods. Additionally, 70% of respondents have access to mobile devices and the internet, suggesting the viability of implementing a system that improves SME management and contributes to economic growth.


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  • Abstract 10
  • PDF (Español (España)) 8
  • HTML5 (Español (España)) 0
  • MULTIMEDIA (Español (España)) 3

How to Cite

Cáceres Oretga C, Abad Aguilar E. Impact of the use of web applications on the MiPymes of the city of Azogues: Impact of the use of web applications in MiPymes in the Azogues’s city. tecnica [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];8(1):1-10. Available from:



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