IoT-based mobile intelligent luminance measurement system.
pollution, Measure, Luminance, IoT, MobilityAbstract
In recent years, many investigations on road lighting have been carried out, evidencing the lack of a platform that allows the visualization of data and free access to them. Due to the aforementioned, the decision was made to build a mobile device for monitoring luminance on roads in the Cuenca canton using an IoT architecture. The proposal is based on the experimental field method based on the INEN 069 Public Lighting standard, which includes two phases, the first is inductive - deductive, with a review of the state of the art and the art, followed by the analytical - synthetic method, same that, through the collection of quantitative luminance data while the vehicle is moving, the measurements will be geolocated through a Neo 6-M GPS. The technical proposal allows us to collect dynamic and real-time data on luminance, with a margin of error of less than 15%, as a result it is possible to carry out an initial evaluation of the state of lighting without the intervention of human personnel from public lighting throughout of roads and provide access to the data through a web portal.
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