Factibilidad del uso del BTC, en la parroquia Cojitambo; del cantón Azogues.
terrocement block, earth construction, soils, sustainable materialAbstract
The objective of this work is to test the feasibility of using BTC in the Cojitambo parish, in the Azogues canton, with the purpose of validating its properties for the manufacture of a sustainable material, which is composed of local raw materials; Therefore, various international standards for terrocement blocks are analyzed, selecting those with the greatest climatic and geographic similarities to the study site, since they will be applied to four soils extracted from different areas, which were established through the sectorization of earth construction in the parish. Likewise, different tests required by the regulations are described, with the purpose of verifying the quality of each soil sample, in order to have greater certainty in the manufacture of the block, each BTC must comply with the necessary standards, to submit them to tests of: resistance, absorption and capillarity. Finally, an analysis of the results obtained is carried out, and its resistance is compared with that of commonly used masonry blocks such as bricks and pumice blocks. It is concluded that it is possible to use the terrocement block in the four zones of the parish, since the suitability of the proposed material is demonstrated.
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