General stability analysis of the sector La Concordia Bridges


  • Boris Cabrera G. Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Cristóbal Crespo G. Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Valentín Vélez V. Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Goethe Palomeque L. Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Cristian Vintimilla U. Universidad Católica de Cuenca



hidrology, soil, structural stability, undermining, watershed


This research details the compilation, analysis and processing of results of different aspects of the bridges of the 16 de Abril avenue in Concordia sector of the Azogues city, to estimate conditions that will allow establishing factors that compromise their stability. To meet the objectives, review processes of existing documentation, collection and generation of data on natural, physical and anthropogenic aspects that influence the useful life of a bridge are determined. The study determines the conditions that influence the infrastructure and superstructure of the bridges, hydric and hydrological conditions, soil characteristics in the defined limits given by the topography. Among the results of this investigation are mainly the conditions presented by the sector, land use, the resistance of the material in the area, current conditions of scour, delimitation of the hydrographic basin that influences the flow of water as well as the average flow. from the river ; The investigation began in September 2018 and ended in April 2022. All these aspects made it possible to determine whether the bridges on 16 de Abril avenue la Concordia sector are stable; although other criteria are also presented, such as reliability, level of service and signal status that the bridges are currently providing to users of the sector and to the population of Azogues in general.


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V.6 N.2 Artículo 3


  • Abstract 217
  • PDF (Español (España)) 185

How to Cite

Cabrera G. B, Crespo G. C, Vélez V. V, Palomeque L. G, Vintimilla U. C. General stability analysis of the sector La Concordia Bridges. tecnica [Internet]. 2022 May 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];6(2):25-44. Available from: