Discovery strategies in english listening skills based on the use of technological devices.



Palabras clave:

Learning, Discovery strategy, Listening skills, English language


In the field of English language teaching, the aim is to promote the discovery strategy, which seeks to improve listening skills in English, by providing the ability to distinguish the sound and the word in a more autonomous way, in addition, it allows it to be an active process where the listener uses his linguistic and contextual knowledge to achieve the understanding of the message motivated by the use of technological devices. Therefore, the objective of the study was to know the support of the discovery strategy in the listening ability of the English language by the use of technological devices in high school students. With a mixed approach, with a correlational type of research and a quasi-experimental design. For the study population, the students of the Glenn Doman Educational Unit were considered, under a non-probabilistic sampling by convenience, 56 students of the tenth year of basic education of the city of Ambato were selected. Subsequently, two groups were formed, a control group and an experimental group, with the same number of participants (28). As an instrument, the standardized PET test level B1 of English was applied to both groups to identify the level of listening comprehension of the English language in these students. The research consisted of applying the discovery strategy for two days a week for two months, while the control group continued with the traditional method. The research showed that the discovery strategy positively influences the students' listening skills. Finally, the development of aspects such as the recognition of words, phrases, or stories, as well as the comprehension and ability to make inferences when unfamiliar terms are used was evidenced.


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Cómo citar

Iza Pazmiño, S. J., Pico Balseca, K. L., Jordan Buenaño, C., & Encalada Trujillo, E. G. (2023). Discovery strategies in english listening skills based on the use of technological devices. Killkana Social, 7(1), 95–104.



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