Nivel de conocimiento de docentes odontólogos sobre prescripción de antimicrobianos en la práctica diaria


  • Doris Calderón Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Verónica Romero-Borja Universidad Católica de Cuenca Ecuador, extensión Azogues.
  • Priscila Tello-Larriva Universidad Católica de Cuenca Ecuador, extensión Azogues.



Objective: The objective of this study was to establish the level of knowledge of dental teachers about the prescription of antimicrobials in daily practice. Metodology: Descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study, the sample was 66 dentists teaching at the Catholic University of Cuenca, 15 multiple choice questions on antimicrobial prescription were applied. Absolute frequencies were obtained, relative, using Fisher and Chi square test (x2) with a value p<0.05. Results: 1.52% of the population are forensic dentists and that the population with the highest percentage corresponded to Oral Rehabilitation (27.27%), the specialties in Orthodontics and Endodontics accounted for 15.15% of the population each (Table 1); with respect to years of experience of dentists it was established that 68.18% were from 1 to 10 years old and that those with 21 to 28 years of experience represented only 6.06% (table 2). It was determined that 40.91% in Oral Rehabilitation presented a level of knowledge with the specialty and years of experience. Finally, 59.59% of the teaching population in the area of dentistry had regular knowledge, 27.27% had a good level and 13.64% was bad (Table 5). Conclusion: The study demonstrated a level of regular knowledge among dental teachers about the prescription of antimicrobials in daily practice.


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How to Cite

Calderón, D., Romero-Borja, V., & Tello-Larriva, P. (2022). Nivel de conocimiento de docentes odontólogos sobre prescripción de antimicrobianos en la práctica diaria. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 6(1), 27–36.



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