
  • José David Aguilar Maldonado Universidad Catolica de Cuenca, Sede Azogues



Lingual frenulum is a fibrous tissue that joins the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. When its size is shorter than normal, it is known as ankyloglossia, genetic or environmental factors are the origins for this to occur. It is characterized by the tongue not protruding normally triggering difficulties in its normal functions such as suction, phonation, chewing and swallowing, its diagnosis is clinical by measuring different parameters, both static and functional. For this reason, it is categorized in terms of lingual functionality in minor, moderate and severe; whereas limitation and lingual mobility is classified in class I, II, III and IV. Objective to present a case report of Ankyloglossia and the results after lingual frenectomy in a patient. Case report of a 12-year-old patient with no relevant medical history who presented total lingual protrusion incapability, phonetic difficulties and incapability of linguo-palatal contact in oral opening, and by means of standardized measurement parameters he was diagnosed as grade 1 minor ankyloglossia , so a lingual frenectomy is performed by local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and post-operative controls are performed at 8, 15 and 60 days where the measurements that are taken released the presurgical diagnosis. A functional advance, better phonetic capacity and contact capacity of linguo-palatal in oral opening were gotten. Having done this and according to the measurement parameters it does not categorize as Ankyloglossia. Conclusions: based on the results gathered through this study, it is clear that lingual-frenulum-resection surgical procedure is a very objective medical-practice that increases the normal functionality of the tongue improving its correct development in activities such as phonation, masticatory act and even in the future development of the jaws.


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  • Abstract 330
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