Introduction; Parkinson's disease (PD), characterized with typical signs: bradykinesia, tremors, postural instability. The initial treatment is levodopa; However, but due to the appearance of dyskinesia and motor fluctuations over time, it led to the use of surgical procedures such as deep brain stimulation (DBS), being safe and with good results, mainly for motor symptoms, where the placement of electrodes in the subthalamic nucleus and internal globe pallidus are the proper regions for PD. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease, for informative comparison and subsequent analysis of the evolution of treatment in the pathology through a systematic review of data that consists of reliable and truthful information. Methodology: This work is based on a systematic review based on the consultation of bibliographic material from the last 5 years in scientific databases: ELSEVIER, GOOGLE ACADÉMICO, SCIELO, REDALYC, PROQUEST, FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY, The search includes keywords such as : "Parkinson's disease". "Deep brain stimulation." "Motor symptoms". "Subthalamic nucleus". "Inner pale globe". "Treatment". “Levodopa”. Results: The effectiveness of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is not certain in terms of neuropsychological functions, due to the variable progression in Parkinson's disease, and the requirement for DBS is not generalized in all patients. patients, but motor fluctuations are evidenced in 37% of cases and dyskinesias with approximately 49% can be controlled at a higher level using drugs, generating a mild stage of complications. Conclusions: DBS deep brain stimulation is based on the search for adequate stimulation in certain areas of the brain, with the aim of showing a decrease in either a medium or large scale of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
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