Catholic philosophical postulates, implications on human care: a systematic review


  • Katerine Bustamante Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Lorena Iñamagua Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Tatiana Loja Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Liliana Tapia Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Deysi Ortiz Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Zoila Castro Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador



Abstract: Catholic religion / philosophy influences human care, nursing as an innate discipline for this purpose, stipulates a correspondence with religion, of how it promotes health and well-being in people. Considering Christian beliefs, it helps us understand their situation, grant and induce a more sensitive care, of love and trust towards others, having empathy sick or needy. Objective: Know how the principles of Catholic philosophy can influence human care, from their care to the recovery of people. Method: A search was carried out mainly in the Scielo, Dialnet and SCOPUS databases, on the importance of Catholic philosophy in human care. The studies granted by the sources, through the analysis of the title, abstract and full text, were finally followed by potential studies for the review based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, after a screening process. Results: The collection of studies received 105 references, after a screening process, 92 irrelevant studies were excluded, concluding with the choice of 13 studies for the quantitative analysis that met the inclusion criteria and study objective. Conclusion: Catholic philosophy in human care specifies the importance for human dignity, due to the suggestive prevalence in people's health. He points out that Christianity, is an activity that emanates, the warmth, solidarity and human sensitivity respecting beliefs and values, aimed at understanding all the dimensions of the human being, promoting awareness and development of attitudes and activities under personal care in preserving health through a dignified life, in addition to love of neighbor, in the face of illness or folly of people, in providing quality care.


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2020-12-02 — Updated on 2020-12-02
  • Abstract 399
  • PDF (Español (España)) 193

How to Cite

Bustamante, K. ., Iñamagua, L., Loja, T. ., Tapia, L. ., Ortiz, D., & Castro, Z. (2020). Catholic philosophical postulates, implications on human care: a systematic review. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 4(3), 41–54.



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