Overcoming the graduate of Medicine in relation to Natural and Traditional Medicine. News and perspectives





Introduction: The Natural and Traditional Medicine development achievement in the country, makes it necessary to form professionals with proper knowledge and practical skills to offer quantity and quality assistance services. Objective: To evaluate the Natural and Traditional Medicine (NTM) didactic application methods in the teaching-learning process to conduct prospective intervention studies in the NTM speciality students. Evaluations were applied at the beginning and end of the course to determine NTM knowledge and use it in the health area of the Gustavo Aldereguia Lima polyclinic. Methodology: Surveys were applied to four graduating classes of the speciality. Out of 242 doctors and other health professionals survey respondents, did not know the NTMs application, and 23 of them belonged to the primary health care of polyclinic Gustavo Aldereguia Lima. Results: Training in NTM has been diffuse and inconsistent, so it is essential to teach to the different specialities medical graduates about the advantages and benefits that low-cost and easy application treatments have to offer, especially in the event of war or natural disasters. Other advantages are the near absence of side effects and the fact that there is no risk of addiction. Conclusions: The impact on the explored areas of the graduated classes that were studied was positive. For the training of the MNT Medicine graduates, it is necessary to establish links and prioritize the organization of professional improvement in logic and coherent manner, considering the institution's specific objectives, the individual needs and potentiality, in order to achieve these goals and the particularities of the professional activity.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Bernardo Cervantes-Palomino, Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba

Licenciado en Enfermería. Máster en Medicina Natural Tradicional y Bioenergética. Profesor asistente. Investigador agregado.

Arlett María Iglesias-Torres, Hospital General Dr. Liborio Panchana Sotomayor, Ecuador

Dra. en Medicina. Especialista en Neonatología. Máster en Atención Integral al Niño. Profesor asistente

Yuniel Rojas-López, Unidad Educativa Cristo Rey, Ecuador

Licenciado en Educación. Especialidad Lengua Extranjera.  


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Bernaza Rodríguez G. Una concepción didáctica basada en el aprendizaje colaborativo para la educación de posgrado. Revista cubana de educación superior, ISSN 0257-4314, Vol. 25, Nº 3, 2005, págs. 23-36

Bernaza Rodríguez G, Guerra Hernández A, Caballero Carrillo R, Dopico Mateo I, Martínez Hernández G.M. Una práctica renovadora Educación: una revista cubana que hace esencia de pensamiento, ISSN 0138-8029, Nº. 136, 2012, págs. 38-47

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  • Abstract 165
  • pdf (Español (España)) 146
  • Audio en español (Español (España)) 38

How to Cite

Cervantes-Palomino, A. B., Iglesias-Torres, A. M., & Rojas-López, Y. (2020). Overcoming the graduate of Medicine in relation to Natural and Traditional Medicine. News and perspectives. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 4(2), 11–16. https://doi.org/10.26871/killcana_salud.v4i2.639



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