Pressure ulcers in the hospital area are underlying iatrogenic lesions caused by pressure on the most prominent bone pronations, these in turn can affect the muscle and even reach the bones, regarding several investigations establish that the academic and knowledge level It influences the appearance of lesions, and this in turn increases expenses in the health system. Objective: To establish the causes of labor inefficiency of nurses in direct care and their influence on the appearance of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients. Population: The graduates, auxiliaries and nursing interns of the IESS hospital in the City of Milagro were chosen. Methodology: The present study has a correlational and descriptive context. The random sample took the same dimensions in all shifts, obtaining 100 servers to whom a survey was applied based on the level of knowledge about pressure ulcers. Data analyzed in the SPSS-25 program. Results: health professional about the factors that influence the appearance of UPPs is 22.2% say that it is due to hourly overload, they mention that 19.4% corresponds to lack of knowledge and excess of patient, meanwhile, with 18.1%, it concerns the excess of patients towards the personnel that work during that day, also with 15.3% it belongs to dehumanization and finally with 5.6% it falls on other factors that cause the appearance of pressure ulcers. Conclusion: the knowledge of the staff varies according to the position and the training obtained, in addition to the excess of patients, increases the work overload for nurses, which does not allow them to provide the corresponding interventions for each patient.
Keywords: nursing, stages, iatrogenies, level of knowledge, pressure ulcers.
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