Competencias de enfermería para el trabajo con Donantes Potenciales de Órganos (DPO). Estado del arte.


  • Adonis Faustino Hernández Ortiz Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena



During the last few years, the world has witnessed great advances in the technology of organ transplantation, understood as the medical procedure in which tissues are removed from a human body and reimplanted in another in order that the transplanted tissue can be made in its new location the same function as previously performed. The work of the transplant does not begin in the very act of replacing one organ with another, but prior to that step, there are others no less important, which must be observed by the donors and the nursing staff that receives the DPO patients. The skills that nurses must have to perform this task must be trained from the careers, to be successfully inserted in each step of the complex process of saving a vital organ or tissue for transplantation. In this article, of bibliographic cut, it is enunciated like objective, to update the state of the art on the subject to be able to incorporate contents to the curriculum and to the formation of the degree in Nursing


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How to Cite

Hernández Ortiz, A. F. (2018). Competencias de enfermería para el trabajo con Donantes Potenciales de Órganos (DPO). Estado del arte. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 2(1), 45–48.



Artículos de revisión bibliográfica