
  • Maria Alexandra Utreras Torres Odontologa
  • Ana del Carmen Armas Vega Odontóloga



dentists, knowledge, dental fluorosis, fluoride


Dental fluorosis is a pathology identified as endemic in Ecuador, particularly in several provinces of the central highland region. It arises during the formation of dental tissues and is caused by the continuous and prolonged consumption of fluoride. It may trigger various problems in different treatments performed by general dentists; hence the importance of determining the degree of knowledge among general dentists of have about this pathology and its treatment. Objective : To identify the level of knowledge and treatment of dental fluorosis among general dentists in the city of Quito in the period from June and December 2021. Methodology: An observational, descriptive, analytical, and cross-sectional study was carried out aiming at determining dental fluorosis with the aim of identifying the level of knowledge and treatment of dental fluorosis among general dentists in the city of Quito in the period from June and December 2021.The sample encompasses 307 general dentists between the ages of 24-60. The contact information was obtained from the data provided by the College of Dentists of Pichincha. A validated electronic survey was used as part of this study, which was borrowed from the article "Level of knowledge and practices in general dentists in Cartagena de Indias" the results were analyzed statistically. Results: In this study, it was found that 98.1% of the general dentists in the city of Quito have insufficient knowledge on dental fluorosis within the scale of levels of knowledge. Conclusions : General dentists in the city of Quito have a low level of knowledge regarding dental fluorosis and the treatment for it.


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How to Cite

Utreras Torres, M. A., & Armas Vega, A. del C. (2024). the KNOWLEDGE OF DENTAL FLUOROSIS IN GENERAL DENTISTS IN THE CITY OF QUITO, DECEMBER 2021. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 8(1), 1–14.



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