Online education; CoVid19; Virtual Education; E-learning.Abstract
In December 2019, the world faced an unexpected pandemic caused by the SarsCov2 virus; the same one that brought about changes at a social, economic, and educational level. Many higher education institutions lacked the experience to teach online and turned to virtual platforms. The aim of this study is to determine the practical experience during virtual teaching in teachers of medicine, nursing and dentistry careers at the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues campus.. Materials and Methods: The methodology applied was a descriptive cross-sectional study. A digital survey was used as an instrument that was applied to the professors of the Careers of Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues, obtaining the participation of 131 professors. Results: It was determined that teaching theoretical classes combined with online practices, 80% of teachers consider subjecting themselves to this option, but the degree of satisfaction associated with online practices is moderately satisfactory with 45.8%. It has also caused teachers to have moments of stress during online classes, due to lack of collaboration by students with 38.2% and slow internet connection with 27.5%. Conclusion: Online teaching presents not only an academic but also an emotional challenge. The practices consolidate the theoretical knowledge and it has been one of the great challenges during virtual teaching since there are subjects that depend on instruments and laboratory resources that are not available in online practices, which would be directly affected during teaching.
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