Restauraciones adhesivas mínimamente invasivas en el sector posterior:Revisión bibliográfica


  • Liliana Elizabeth Picoita Castro Estudiante Especialidad en Prótesis Bucal Universidad Latinoamericana
  • Stephanie Alonzo-Soto
  • Vicente Reyes-Martínez
  • Pablo Erazo-Espinoza
  • Kathia Ramirez-Obregón
  • Ubaldo Orduña-Rodríguez




Context: Restorations in the posterior sector continue to become a challenge when working with adhesion and obtaining a minimum loss of remanent.  In the past, the clinician used to apply a post and crown for all restorations, without considering that nowadays exist a biomimetic dentistry.

Objective: Describe a minimally invasive adhesive preparations protocol in the posterior sector so that the clinician can carry out treatments of dental durability and preservation as established by the scientific literature.

Materials and Methods: In the present bibliographic review, a data collection  was made in scientific databases, Scielo, PubMed and books, for the inclusion criteria years of publication, systematic reviews, literature review and case reports were considered, as well books of the specialty.

Results: Of the 57 publications located, 14 were scientific articles 1 book and 1 clinical guide which have useful information to establish the protocol for minimally invasive restorations in the posterior sector.

Conclusions: Adhesive preparations and techniques in order to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible, dental, pulp and periodontal, providing less dentin exposure, to avoid preparations with wide margins, occlusal grooves and pits.

Keywords: Biomimetic Dentistry, Adhesion, Inlays


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  • Abstract 97
  • DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) 120

How to Cite

Picoita Castro, L. E., Alonzo-Soto, S., Reyes-Martínez, V., Erazo-Espinoza, P., Ramirez-Obregón, K., & Orduña-Rodríguez, U. (2022). Restauraciones adhesivas mínimamente invasivas en el sector posterior:Revisión bibliográfica. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 6(1), 37–50.



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