Quality of home care in a clinical laboratory for patient satisfaction

Los niveles de satisfacción de un paciente


  • Ericka Eras Coyago Universidad Estatal de Milagro




Patient satisfaction levels may vary according to a series of factors that include, for example, the physical and environmental conditions of a nursing home, the contact personnel and the characteristics of the different health units. However, one of the factors that has the greatest influence on patient satisfaction is the care received. Objective: To establish how the quality of care affects the satisfaction of patients in laboratories in the north of the city of Guayaquil with home delivery in time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: It was based on a mixed approach, that is, qualitative and quantitative, supported by bibliographic and field research, where the population was made up of a total of 2,653 people who, during the period January - June 2021, requested home services from the Laboratories under study, however, being a considerable number, it was decided to apply a sampling determining a total of 336 people with whom they worked. Results: In general, 72% of the evaluated users are very satisfied and satisfied with the service received, while the remaining 28% have problems with the service received. Conclusions: As in any activity, the issue of quality of care has a direct impact on user satisfaction levels. By virtue of this, referring to the sector in which the institutions under study are immersed (health sector), the offer of services, as well as the infrastructure and actions carried out by the contact personnel, present great interference in the final perception of the user.


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  • Abstract 61
  • DESCARGAR EN PDF (Español (España)) 89

How to Cite

Eras Coyago, E. (2022). Quality of home care in a clinical laboratory for patient satisfaction: Los niveles de satisfacción de un paciente . Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 6(1), 13–26. https://doi.org/10.26871/killcanasalud.v6i1.905



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