The relationship between risk factors and occupational diseases in nursing staff


  • Mercedes Elizabeth Cedeño Zambrano Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • Agustina Elizabeth Cedeño Casanova Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • Joselyn Gabriela Jiménez Arévalo Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • Florencia Laura Chancay Pincay Universidad Estatal de Milagro



Enfermedades laborales, factores de riesgo   , personal de enfermería   , riesgo biológico   , riesgo químico   


Objective: To establish the relationship between risk factors and occupational diseases in the nursing staff of the surgical area of ​​the Dr. Verdi Cevallos Balda Hospital in Portoviejo. Methodology: The study was based on a mixed approach, that is, a qualitative-quantitative non-experimental cross-sectional approach, in which the nursing staff from the surgical area participated with a total of 64 people to whom an instrument designed with 33 questions. Results: In general, the biological risks according to the perception of those involved in the study, there are 78% of professionals who state that within their work area there are biological agents that can cause infections, in terms of risks chemists, 87% of those involved claim to manipulate chemical agents in their work area (alcohol, quaternary ammonium and biochemical enzymes). Regarding physical risks, it stands out that 81% of workers claim to be exposed to this type of risk, in the case of ergonomic risks, 70% say that during their working hours they handle equipment and heavy objects that in certain moment can cause spinal injuries or problems associated with skeletal muscles. Finally, regarding occupational diseases, it is highlighted that 28% have a disease or previously diagnosed and whose condition over time is between 1 and more than 10 years, being the diseases with the highest prevalence: hypertension (22%), herniated disc and migraine (11%). Conclusions: According to the information obtained, since the p value is higher than the level of significance (∝ = 5%), it is statistically demonstrated that there is a relationship between exposure to risk factors and the development of occupational diseases in nursing personnel. from the surgical area of ​​the Verdi Cevallos Balda Hospital in Portoviejo.


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How to Cite

Cedeño Zambrano, M. E., Cedeño Casanova, A. E. ., Jiménez Arévalo, J. G. ., & Chancay Pincay, F. L. . (2022). The relationship between risk factors and occupational diseases in nursing staff. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 6(3), 103–114.



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