Behavioral Activation in Major Depressive: A Bibliographic Review


  • Diego Rodas Flores Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Mónica Elizabeth Carrión Reyes  Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Andrea Vanessa Hurtado Córdova  Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Juan José Muñoz Mejía  Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Ana Lucía Villazhiñay Matute  Universidad Católica de Cuenca



Activación Conductual   , Depresión   , Trastorno Depresión Mayor   , Psicoterapia


Major Depression Disorder is the psychopathology with the highest prevalence worldwide, hence the importance of researching and developing evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches, such as Behavioral Activation, that are effective and efficient to treat it. In this context, a bibliographic review was carried out that aimed to present the available evidence on the efficacy of Behavioral Activation in the treatment of Major Depression Disorder. Through a search of scientific articles published between 2016 and 2021 in the PubMed, ProQuest, Web of Science and Clinical Trials databases; using the combination of the following keywords: "Behavioral Activation", "Behavioral Activation", "Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression", "Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression", "Major Depressive Disorder" and "Major Depression Disorder ”; A total of nine Randomized Clinical Trials were found, published in Spanish or English, which included adult patients, older than 18 years, diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder, whose results place Behavioral Activation as an effective treatment to reduce depressive symptoms, that provides positive results from the fourth intervention session, and that promotes the remission of symptoms up to the 6-month follow-up after the end of the psychotherapeutic process. Despite this, aspects identified in the articles, such as: use of small samples, absence of follow-up periods and heterogeneity in the Behavioral Activation protocols used, limit the possibility of generalizing these results.


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How to Cite

Rodas Flores, D., Carrión Reyes , M. E. ., Hurtado Córdova , A. V. ., Muñoz Mejía , J. J. ., & Villazhiñay Matute , A. L. . (2022). Behavioral Activation in Major Depressive: A Bibliographic Review. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 6(3), 167–180.



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