Paralelismo entre plano de Camper y el plano oclusal según biotipo facial en una población del sur de Perú
Objective: To evaluate the parallelism between the cephalometric Camper plane and the occlusal plane according to facial biotype. Materials and methods: Quantitative, observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study. Comparative descriptive level. For the calculation of the sample size, the formula was used to compare groups with average camper/occlusal plane parallelism in the brachyfacial biotype -5.8379 ± 3.8 and mesofacial -3.8433 ± 2.7; α = 0. 05, statistical power 80%, margin of error 5% and adjusted to 34% a sample of 52 cephalometric radiographs were obtained per group G1=brachyfacial, G2=dolicofacial, G3=mesofacial; matched according to age 10 adolescents, 26 young adults, 16 adults and according to sex 26 males and 26 females. The inclusion criteria were cephalometric radiographs of good quality, complete data and radiographs of patients with orthodontic appliances, with pathologies in the place of visual analysis, absence of the mandibular first permanent molar or anterior pieces were excluded. The cephalometric radiographs were digitized and analyzed using DENTAL STUDIO NX software®. Results: The cephalometric analysis of the parallelism of the camper plane and the occlusal plane according to age group reported in adolescents a mean -4.203° ± 3.23° CI95%= [-5.360 to -3.045]; youth -4.701° ± -2.72° CI95%=[-5.306 to -4.095] and adults -4.452° ± 3.29° CI95%=[-5.384 to -3.519] (p=0.727). Likewise, with respect to sex, it was found in the male group -4.765° ± 3.26° CI95%=[-5.490 to -4.039]; female -4.292° ± 2.70° CI95%=[-4.891 to -3.692] with no significant statistical difference (p=0.326). Conclusion: with a p=0.000 we can conclude that the parallelism of the cephalometric Camper's plane with the occlusal plane closest to zero was found in the dolichofacial biotype -3.192° ± 2, 418° CI95%=[-3.8493 to -2.5346] and mesofacial -4.150° ± 2.668° CI95%= [-4.8732 to -3.4267] different from the brachyfacial biotype -6.244° ± 3.068° CI95%= [-7.0779 to -5.4100].
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