The sexting phenomenon in adolescents, Cuenca-Ecuador


  • María Magdalena Piedra-Argudo Hospital Monte Sinai, Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Jeanneth Tapia-Cárdenas Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • José Luis Once-Campoverde Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Zoila Katherine Salazar-Torres Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Vinicio Marcelo Tenemaza-Ruilova Universidad Católica de Cuenca



Background: sexting is the sending of sexual content, made by the sender himself and sent to other people. Sexting can involve legal problems and even cyberBullying, cyberBullying, or sextorsion. Objective: to determine the frequency and characterize sexting in adolescents of the Millennium Educational Unit Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón, Cuenca 2018. Materials and methods: an observational, quantitative, descriptive study was carried out, a survey was applied to 268 adolescents enrolled in the participating institution for the 2017-2018 school period, which were randomly selected, it was inquired about sociodemographic characteristics, frequency and characterization of sexting. Results: the average age was 15.86 years, the most frequent age group was between 14 to 16 years, 67.9% female, 69.4% lived in urban areas. 63.1% affirmed to practice sexting; 58.2% was passive and 20.5% active. Regarding passive sexting, the most frequent type of content was photos, 77.6%, with Facebook being the most used social network 78.8%. In active sexting, their practice was voluntary in 81.8% and it was characterized by sending texts with proposals about sexual activity through a mobile phone in 41.8%. Conclusions: the practice of sexting in adolescents was high, with passive sexting being twice more frequent than active.


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  • Abstract 1623
  • PDF (Español (España)) 705

How to Cite

Piedra-Argudo, M. M., Tapia-Cárdenas, J., Once-Campoverde, J. L., Salazar-Torres, Z. K., & Tenemaza-Ruilova, V. M. (2020). The sexting phenomenon in adolescents, Cuenca-Ecuador. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 4(4), 51–58.



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