the Dental Considerations and preventive measures against Covid-19

Dental considerations and preventive measures against Covid-19


  • Alejandra Ruiz Hurtado Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Gloria Azucena Andrade Molina Universidad Católica de Cuenca



Objective: The Objective of this article is to know the correct behavior of the dentist during the exercise of his profession, through a bibliographic review, establishing Dental Considerations and Preventive measures that minimize the risk of contagion against Covid-19. Context: Covid-19(SARS-CoV-2) discovered in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan, Hubei province of China, belongs to the family called coronaviridae of type Alpha and Beta, it is transmitted mainly by secretions of the airways upper, manifests an incubation period of 2 to 14 days causing mild symptoms such as dry cough, fever, myalgia to serius respiratory complications such as shortness of breath, due to this it presents a high mortaly rate that increases to world level. For this reason, the available literature seeks to describe various practical considerations in the dental office, for a better management of patients in times of pandemic. Procedure: A bibliographic search and compilation regarding the subject described above was carried out with digital databases of Pubmed, Scielo and BVS Ecuador of the year 2020 in Spanish and English whose keywords were obtained from the DECS descriptor. The articles selected for this review were literature reviews and case reports.


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  • Abstract 63
  • DESCARGAR PDF (Español (España)) 64

How to Cite

Ruiz Hurtado, A., & Andrade Molina, G. A. (2022). the Dental Considerations and preventive measures against Covid-19: Dental considerations and preventive measures against Covid-19. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 6(3), 191–202.



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