Stress in nursing professionals of the Villa Clara Psychiatric Hospital, Cuba
Context: Stress is the process that begins in the face of a set of environmental demands, whether labor, social, that the individual receives, to which an adequate response must be given, which allows them to start their coping resources. Objective: To determine the main indicators and vulnerability to stress in the nursing staff of the Psychiatric Hospital. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at the Villa Clara Psychiatric Hospital in January 2018. The study universe was made up of 63 nurses. A vulnerability - stress and inventory questionnaire was applied for the evolution of work stress. Variables such as: age, sex, marital status, professional category, functions they perform and years of experience were analyzed. Results: The age group of 36-50 years prevailed, the female sex, the category of graduates and care functions, the majority were married. The moderate vulnerability to stress and moderate symptoms of Burnot syndrome predominate with _ 16 years of experience in the specialty of psychiatry. Conclusions: Most of the nurses are vulnerable to stress and bornout syndrome due to the working conditions and the characteristics of psychiatric patients.
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- Abstract 136
- PDF (Español (España)) 185