


Objective: Traumatic dental injuries or dentoalveolar trauma constitute one of the main dental and pediatric emergencies due to the degree of affectation and the consequences that can arise from their experience. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of dentoalveolar trauma in the population of the urban parish of San Blas in the canton of Cuenca in 2019, in order to assess the characteristic features of the trauma such as etiological factor, age, most affected tooth and whether there was avulsion.

Materials and methods: Research belonging to the epidemiological macro-study of dentoalveolar trauma in children, adolescents and adults in urban parishes in the canton of Cuenca 2019; this study presents a descriptive, retrospective cross-sectional design. This parish is made up of 87 blocks, gathering information from 17 to cover the minimum sample size with a team of 5 interviewers and 1 supervisor who visited 77 homes with 1 to 9 people and obtained information from 314 inhabitants, 153 men and 161 women between the ages of 1 and 96. For statistical analysis, the Chi-square statistical test was used with α= 0.05 and the statistical program SPSS V25 was used.

Results: The reported prevalence was 2.9%, with no significant relationship between sex and trauma prevalence, showing a higher incidence in adolescents and adults whose reason for the trauma was falls. The data obtained do not express significant relevance regarding avulsion after impact. 

Keywords: Epidemiology, Incidence, Injuries and traumas, Tooth avulsion.


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How to Cite

Ordóñez Honores, J. A., & Calle Prado, M. D. (2023). PREVALENCE OF DENTOALVEOLAR TRAUMA IN THE POPULATION OF THE URBAN PARISH SAN BLAS-CUENCA IN 2019. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 7(1), 43–54.



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