


Caries dental, Actividades cotidianas, Calidad de vida


Context: The World Health Organization (WHO) established dental caries as a localized disorder of multifactorial origin, dynamic, which together with the presence of periodontal diseases can cause a greater compromise in the morbidity of the tooth. Objective: The objective of this study is to relate the CPOD index and the limitation of smiling in 12-year-old schoolchildren from the Gil Ramírez parish, Cuenca - Ecuador 2016. Methodology: A descriptive study of documentary scope was carried out using a communication technique using 188 files belonging to the study of the Epidemiological Map of schoolchildren from the Gil Ramírez parish, Cuenca canton. For the analysis of the sample, a descriptive statistic was used for each variable and the KENDALL statistical test to identify the correlation between the main variables of the study. Results: Of the total number of schoolchildren in the sample, 33% had a medium level and 32.4% had a very low CPOD level and 84.6% reported unrestricted severity, in terms of the correlation between the CPOD index and the severity in the limitation to smile did not show a significant statistical correlation. Conclusions: In the present study, a significant association was not found between the CPOD index and the limitation to smile, so it is advisable to encourage the population and raise awareness about the importance of maintaining oral health from childhood, with in order to improve the quality of life of schoolchildren.


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How to Cite

Lañon, M. B., & Llanes Serantes, M. (2022). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CPOD AND THE LIMITATION TO SMILE, CUENCA 2016. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 6(2), 55–66.



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