Therapeutic complementarity in major depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms


  • Xavier Fabricio Reyes-Trelles Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social, Ecuador
  • Cristhian Javier Rivera-Tapia Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Braulio Andrés Elizalde-Martínez Fundación de Desarrollo Social de El Oro – FUDESO, Ecuador
  • Álvaro Fabián Auquilla-Guzmán
  • Yolanda María Malavé-Pérez



The clinical population diagnosed with major depression and psychotic symptoms represents a challenge for both psychological and psychiatric care; its inherent complexity highlights the need to design treatment protocols using a complementary approach. The effectiveness of these types of treatment implies not only the coordination of objectives and intervention times, but also the management of a common language of treatment as well as interdisciplinary cooperation. Objective: for the research a descriptive review was carried around psychotherapeutic and pharmacological approaches within this disorder, aiming to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the current effective therapeutic resources, as well as to establish a treatment proposal based on the data collected. Procedure: a search and review of the scientific literature updated to the last decade was carried out through the Scopus and ResearchGate databases, selecting empirical research, clinical case studies and other systematic reviews of the literature. Results: the cognitive-behavioral model is the main resource for evidence-based interventions. However, psychosocial interventions and rehabilitation of cognitive functions are also considered necessary. From the results, a psychotherapeutic planning chart specific to the disorder was structured. The pharmacotherapy proposal involves the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants and second-generation antipsychotics. Conclusions: The ideal therapeutic complementarity implies a coordinated conjunction of the interventions, as well as a personalized approach that adjusts to the rhythm of evolution in each particular case.


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Author Biographies

Cristhian Javier Rivera-Tapia, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador

Práctica Privada - Estudiante de Posgrado

Braulio Andrés Elizalde-Martínez, Fundación de Desarrollo Social de El Oro – FUDESO, Ecuador

Estudiante de Posgrado en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador


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  • Abstract 467
  • PDF (Español (España)) 342

How to Cite

Reyes-Trelles, X. F., Rivera-Tapia, C. J., Elizalde-Martínez, B. A., Auquilla-Guzmán, Álvaro F., & Malavé-Pérez, Y. M. (2020). Therapeutic complementarity in major depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 4(3), 35–40.



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