Breastfeeding children with cleft lip and palate.
Objective: To conduct a literature review on the importance of breast milk and breastfeeding techniques that can teach mothers to breastfeed children with cleft lip and palate. Context: Breastfeeding is defined as the placement of the nipple in the mouth of the newborn for its respective suction. One of the challenges presented by babies with this congenital malformation is feeding and absorption of nutrients, due to the altered anatomy they present. Procedure: An exhaustive search and compilation of updated scientific articles was carried out in pages such as: PUBMED, SCIELO and the ACADEMIC GOOGLE platform. This study included bibliographic reviews, retrospective cohort study, case reports, clinical reports and original articles, published until April 2020. Results: The literature analyzed emphasizes that breast milk is the ideal food for the growth of the baby due to the great amount of components and benefits for the child, since there is no other supplement that replaces it. It also mentions the lack of a manual to guide the mother in feeding her infant with a cleft lip and palate. Conclusion: It is important that mothers are aware of the benefits of breastfeeding because in addition to being an optimal substrate for growth, it contributes through this process to the development and coordination of the orofacial muscles.
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