Deep breathing practice for academic stress in students at the National University of Education
Context: University students face academic and psychosocial demands in their school experience, which generates a cumulative / progressive state of stress during the years that this period lasts, and this situation triggers negative consequences for their well-being, both physical and mental. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of yogic breathing (techniques that seek breathing ranges of between 4 and 8 repetitions per minute), through a quasi-experiment with pre-post and control group measurements, in addition to an analysis of the discourse on the textual production carried out, after experiencing the breaths referred to by the students of the National University of Education in Ecuador. Methodology: The University Academic Stress Questionnaire (CEAU) was used in a sample made up of 73 students of both sexes, with an average age of 19 _ 2 years, selected from the Basic General Education Career, first cycle. Results: It was evidenced, through the questionnaire and the analysis of the applied discourse, that the intervention produced a reduction in the level of stress. It was observed that the means of the CEAU test scales in the pre and post test control group were maintained or raised, unlike the intervention group in which stress levels decreased. Conclusions: A regular practice of pranayama techniques, in the classroom context, is very useful in reducing academic stress.
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