Upper bilateral deciduous teeth fusion associated with permanent teeth agenesis, case report
Dental fusion is a tooth morphology anomaly that happens during its development, it can occur at the enamel level or enamel and dentin level, resulting in a single tooth with a larger than usual crown, bifid incisal level. It is more common in temporary dentition, in the jaw involving lateral incisor and canine unilaterally; being the bilateral condition rare, and indicating a prevalence of 0,05 % associated in 3,5 to 6,5 % with agenesis of permanent teeth. We present the case of a female patient aged seven years and nine months, whose reason for consultation is the need for orthopaedic treatment. The patient does not report personal or family medical history, on the intraoral examination bilateral fusion of deciduous teeth is observed between the upper lateral incisor and central incisor, and radiographically, in the upper maxilla, there is a bilateral absence of lateral incisors. Gemination is discarded by performing the clinical count of teeth present in the dental arch. Objective: To conduct a literature review on dental fusion, its incidence, clinical report, differential diagnosis and treatment options. Also to report an unusual case of bilateral fusion in the upper maxilla involving central and lateral deciduous incisors in addition to bilateral agenesis of permanent lateral incisors. Conclusion: The treatment requires multidisciplinary planning, considering aesthetic and functional aspects.
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