Musculoskeletal pain prevalence according to COPCORD strategy in an urban population from the Azogues canton, Ecuador


  • Beatriz Patricia Quichimbo-Miguitama Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Ana Belén Cárdenas-Carangui Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador



Introduction: Rheumatic diseases constitute the main cause of musculoskeletal pain, and are responsible for physical limitation and disability. This study aims to estimate musculoskeletal pain prevalence in an urban population from the Azogues canton, through the implementation of stage I Community Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) strategy. Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study based on the application of COPCORD core, Mexican questionnaire, version-2. The survey was applied to adults over 20 years, from the Zhirincay neighbourhood located in Azogues, to detect musculoskeletal pain secondary to rheumatic diseases. Results: The questionnaire was administered to 197 people; the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain was 61.93% (CI 95%: 57.03-66.); being more frequent in women (59%; P: 0.184); and in adults over 66 years (91%, P: 0.00567).  41.80% of the people experienced moderate-intensity pain while 39.34% experienced high-intensity pain; 40.98% (P:0.566) have presented functional limitation at some point of their lives and 3.28% present disability. Work absenteeism frequency due to pain was 59% (P: 0.06). Only 45.08% have had a previous rheumatic disease medical evaluation and diagnosis, 47.54% are under treatment. The most frequently painful areas are the dorsal-lumbar 36.7%, cervical 29%, and knees 16.39%. Conclusion: Through the use of the COPCORD questionnaire, a high musculoskeletal pain prevalence was detected in this population. It increases with age and constitutes an essential cause of functional limitation and disability that requires early detection and timely treatment.


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How to Cite

Quichimbo-Miguitama, B. P., & Cárdenas-Carangui, A. B. (2020). Musculoskeletal pain prevalence according to COPCORD strategy in an urban population from the Azogues canton, Ecuador. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 4(1), 19–26.



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